Laser Hair Removal Hub

Laser hair removal is one of the most effective ways to permanently remove unwanted hair from your body. Men and women across the world are spending a small fortune on the procedure - but with great result. However, as with any other treatment, there are things you need to be aware of in order to get the best possible results. At our site you'll find all the useful information you need to help you make the right chose about your laser hair removal treatment.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Laser hair removal promises to permanently remove your unwanted body hair through using light energy from a laser. Whereas shaving, waxing, tweezing and threading only targets smaller areas of your body, laser hair removal can remove small and large areas of unwanted hair from your body.

Side effects

There are little to no side effects when you undergo laser treatments intended for removal of unwanted hair. Laser hair removal is a safe procedure if carried out by a professional. If not performed properly, complications include itching, redness and swelling around the treatment area. These side effects caused by the treatment should not last more than three days.


Once you undergo the procedure, the risks you may face include burning the skin or discoloration of dark skin with the laser, hypopigmentation (white spots), flare of acne, swelling around the follicle, scab forming, and purpura. Another serious risk of using laser treatments for removal of unwanted hair is infection.


The area is shaved and then cleaned. An anesthetic cream is applied afterwards. Lasers are then pointed towards target area, selectively heating dark target matter (melanin), in the area that causes hair growth (the follicle), while not heating the rest of the skin. Laser works best with dark coarse hair. Light skin and dark hair are an ideal combination, but new laser removal procedures are now able to target dark black hair even in patients with dark skin. Some level of pain, redness, tingling and numbness should be expected after the procedure. Most people can return to normal activity right away.


Laser takes around fifteen minutes to an hour to remove your unwanted hair. The length of time depends on the size of the area you would like to remove. Most treatments require four to six sessions for permanent hair removal in any one area. The procedure can be repeated at monthly intervals.


The cost of laser treatments is higher than waxing and threading. Several laser hair removal facilities offer wide range of rates. It is important to know that affordability does not always mean quality. You may run the risk of having infection if you pay for a cheap procedure that is not done properly.
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